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the well-needed blowjob

In today’s POV video, newcomer Martina Gold plays your girlfriend, and she wants you to help her assemble her new sofa. Sure, you want to assist, but just being near this delicious brunette drains all the blood from your brain down into your boner and balls, so you shift the focus from furniture to fellatio as you get your gal to take your big dick into her pretty face for some well-needed cock sucking!! Well-needed by both of you, that is, as it’s been several hours since you drained your sac into Martina’s slice, and she’s been eager and antsy for some oral herself! Soon Martina’s looking up at you with those huge dark eyes while giving you deepthroat and slipping out of her clothes along the way. Her titties and butt are well on view as you get more and more stimulated by her fine sucking as captured in this Full HD blowjob sex video. The new couch gets some use as you lay back for Martina’s completion of her mission to drain your nuts of all the fluid that distracts you from being a good boyfriend and finishing the darn sofa! Of course, when she takes your load on her tongue and then starts playing with it with her fingers, you get horny all over again!!

  • 00:15:21
  • Nov 25, 2014
  • 179


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