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fuck me good

Sometimes a girl just needs to be fucked real good to make her day. Take for example Gabi who stars in this hot Euro teen scene. She s trying on some new clothes she just purchased but their not really flattering her figure as much as she would like. She calls her man into the room and instantly he knows, she needs to be fucked good. He removes the clothing signifying to her that the clothes does not make her and he is incredibly turned on by her sexy nubile body. That gifts him a righteous blowjob and Gabi in return gets some cunnilingus and finger banging as she fills the room with sounds of pleasure. The fucking then gets turned on full throttle as Gabi takes it hard in doggy and reverse cowgirl and finishes off with a hot pop shot on the chin and cheek!

  • 00:27:11
  • Dec 07, 2014
  • 181


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