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the scarlet thong

Juicy newcomer Cecilia de Lys meets us today and she’s certainly letting us know her sinful intentions right away by dressing in bright red! The brunette glamour porn beginner tugs up the hem of her red minidress to show a black-and-scarlet lace thong, and she rubs herself through the fabric and then under it in her Full HD solo girl sex video. Cecilia can’t wait to take down her clothes so we can ogle her exciting nakedness, her mouthwatering handfuls of titties, her outstanding round ass, and her smooth shaved pussy emerging from the scarlet thong. We can almost sniff her juices in the crotch of that panty--what a souvenir it would be!! Finally naked except for her black pumps, Cecilia goes to town on her twat with a G-spot vibrator that sends her over the top even as she fingers her asshole too. Then she poses on her tummy so we can get one last lingering lusty look at that gorgeous bottom!

  • 00:25:27
  • Dec 16, 2014
  • 200


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