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bosoms in the barn

Busty pornstars Kyra Hot and Susana Alcala are hanging out in a barn but soon enough they focus their attention on where WE’D focus ours if we were lucky enough to come upon them! Yessir, it’s time for big tits porn as these two stunningly endowed honeys fondle their juggs through their low-cut plaid halter tops and then take out their heavy hooters for sucking and rubbing. The ladies swap spit and lick clit as their clothes are pulled aside, and Kyra fastens her mouth onto the Alcala 36Ds while Susana enjoys the Hot 36Cs. But then adventurous Kyra finds two kitchen items in the barn--a long wooden rolling pin and a metal egg beater, which are quickly put to use in this Full HD big breast sex video. Susana gives the rolling pin a good titty fuck, then she feels the handle of the egg beater rubbed on her snatch. But that rolling pin is the real attraction for both babes, as they boff their pussies with it simultaneously, double dong style! And you’ll see how their titties look so darn mouthwatering as they shake and jiggle and sway with their moves in this ready to download XXX video.

  • 00:22:24
  • Jan 20, 2015
  • 440


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