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perfect for the role

Samantha Bentley, that winsome but wild blue-eyed United Kingdom porn sensation, comes to Nick Lang’s office to audition for a significant role in a production filled with deepthroat action. Demonstrating her prowess on a thick dildo, she quickly finds herself switching her focus to the real thing in Nick’s jeans! Watch this hardcore XXX video superstar (who recently scored a statuette at the Adult Video News Awards for her outstanding work) as she goes down on the Lang log and gets him so horny he has to start fingering her half-shaved, half-hairy snatch in this wild scene. She blows him, he eats her, and then the audition is completely forgotten as their bodies lock together on the desk for some pussy banging as well as balls licking. After doing Sam doggie style, Nick gets her back on her knees to pull out his big load all over her tongue. Yessir, she’s aced the audition and gotten the job--she’s truly perfect for the role!

  • 00:27:48
  • Jan 26, 2015
  • 263


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