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the nylon and the flesh

Here we have Vicktoria Redd and Thomas Stone in a fantasy roleplay scene of The Perfect Fetish Relationship! They are celebrating six months of kinky bliss with champagne, and then continue the festivities with foot worship and shoe adoration. Aren’t Vicktoria’s pink peeptoe high heels with bows on the front so pretty! Thomas obviously appreciates them, kissing the vamps and sucking the stilettos. Once the shoes come off, more delights follow as Thomas licks and sucks her size 6.5 Czech feet through her nude nylon stockings, running his hands under the tops of the stockings and then enjoying the rub of her toes and soles on his bare cock as this fetish XXX video gets hotter and hotter. Thomas enjoys all of Vicktoria’s skills, so she treats him to a blowjob, cowgirl fucking, and sitting on his face with her shaved pussy; then gives him her cunny doggie style while she stretches out her long legs and feet. Finally they return to the foot fetish focus, with Tom kissing her soles while banging her box, and then she gifts him with a unique fetish thrill: squirting his seed underneath her stockings, between the nylon and her flesh! Yes, this is a relationship made in fetish heaven.

  • 00:20:30
  • Jan 30, 2015
  • 297


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