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midnight blowjob slave

In today’s erotic roleplay, Sheri Vi has a sexual taste for hard-living men. Elegantly dressed, coming from wealth and privilege, she nonetheless abandoned her friends at a high-toned art museum cocktail party full of doctors, lawyers, professors and writers so she could find someone more down-to-earth to blow. Because she has a need for a tough dick in her mouth tonight. She brings Nikolas, a construction worker, back to her apartment, after picking him up at a waterfront dive. And as you’ll see in this stunning new Full HD oral sex video and nude pics, Sheri enjoys every moment of her raw encounter, peeling off her clothes and kneeling before the stranger’s big dick to give it the cock sucking that will make him squirt on her face like the deepthroat streetwalker she likes to pretend she is, however briefly, just after midnight. She likes when he puts his hand on the back of her head, regulating her movements like some kind of...blowjob slave. She loves to be bent over the couch with her ass in the air to suck him. She imagines a train of guys from that waterfront dive entering to do her pussy and asshole, while she keeps sucking Nikolas... Yes, as you’ll see in these sexy blowjob pics, she’s very happy she left that museum party, to kneel and serve Nik’s cock and take his facial cumshot!

  • 00:15:47
  • Feb 06, 2015
  • 405


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