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stuffed under her skirt

In today’s scene, new face Julie Skyhigh plays a receptionist at DDF Genital Hospital. But this hot babe has a secret underneath her skirt: a butt plug! She’s wearing it from the git-go, as she likes to spice up her workday with an item like that. As soon as Julie gets off her cell phone, she shows us around her luscious body, especially those sexy legs in nylon stockings, her smooth shaved pussy, and of course that derriere which is stuffed with the pink plastic plug. It looks quite good in her round rump as she plays with her girlie pie. Eventually our newcomer glamour porn gal gets down to more striptease. Her curvy bod looks quite delicious as she peels it out of her lacy bra. Then she gets back to masturbating herself while she sits on that plug, which goes all the way up her bottom. When she’s finished cumming, she then takes out the plug and gives it a big lick as she winds down from her draining pussy and backdoor orgasm!

  • 00:22:10
  • Feb 10, 2015
  • 425


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