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sharing her goodness

From the Russian Federation comes Nikoletta Devis, a green-eyed Russian doll who wants to share her 34C-26-37 blonde-haired goodness to get us in a great mood for our day! She takes down her frilly white skirt, lifts up her fuchsia top, and lets us study her hot babe body while she poses in her pink lacy lingerie. Taking off her bra with a big smile, she then lays back on the red couch so we can watch closely as she unveils her very pink shaved pussy, parting it with her seductively manicured red fingernails. But wait, Nikoletta wants us to enjoy her booty too, so she stands up again to part her cheeks and let us ogle her rosebud. Then, when she’s finally down to only her thigh high stockings and heels, she gets out a big glass dildo. Needless to say, this pretty and flirtatious girl knows what to do with a sex toy, onebyday style, in her exciting erotic video and nude pics!

  • 00:14:00
  • Feb 12, 2015
  • 216


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