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invitation to ecstasy

Kiki Minaj from Great Britain has made a big impression on our sister sites Only Blowjob and Hands on Hardcore, and here she is making her onebyday debut and showing off the hot babe skills that got members commenting stuff like “fucking gorgeous” “stunning” and “a total dream to spray to!” Kiki kicks back in her pretty lingerie and strappy heels, and looking at her draped across the bed is an invitation to ecstasy. Let’s spray away!! Kiki caresses herself through her panties, tempts us with her deep cleavage in the bra, and then unveils those colossal nipples looking so suckable! Turning over, the glamour porn star gives us tempting back shots before opening her thighs to spread her bright pink pussy before us. When Kiki sucks her flesh-colored dildo, she almost makes it seem like a living thing that could fill her with a creampie! Her tongue licks the tip and then she crams the toy deep in her core, and then there’s a great shot of her upside down with her terrific legs in the air and the toy sticking out of her crotch as she builds to her climax. Feast on Kiki in her Full HD erotic video and pics, and you’ll be asking her to come back for more!

  • 00:21:08
  • Mar 15, 2015
  • 352


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