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want meat with that, honey?

In today’s POV video, you wake up in the morning and wander into the kitchen where your girlfriend Kelly White is getting ready to make breakfast. But she looks so luscious that you really can’t resist a little frisky fun time feeling up her fineness, which of course leads to her getting HER breakfast first... “Want some meat with that?” waiters usually say in New York City coffee shops when you order eggs, and the same might be asked of this hot Romanian blondie as she takes your enormously hard shaft into her face, worshipping the big dick with all the enthusiasm she has after a good night’s sleep! Whether she’s grasping your root with her inventively manicured fingers, or giving your dong a balls licking--the pleasure of which will last you at least through lunch--Kelly proves herself a perfect morning companion, even running your rod between her perky 34A titties for some cleavage plowing until her cock sucking skills finally get you to deliver your load all over her chin and chest!

  • 00:25:01
  • Apr 11, 2015
  • 140


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