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fingering is the fix - she craves lovin between the loins

Miss Katarina Muti has some very edible action that she ll be pulling out of that cute cooch of hers, yum! It s almost like she s going cherry picking in there: in the XXX kind of way.Her ensemble of pink and black lingerie and glittery high heels showcases her sweet and sexy assets perfectly. That mouth watering curvy ass is just calling our name as she lays there on the bed, and she s got some treats for us in store in the bedroom today in her solo scene!From deep between her loins she feels a hankering for lovin , and her fingers know exactly how to appease these needs and bring her to that climax she s been craving. And it s soon thereafter that the petite college girl busts out the cherry-esque toys to plunge in and out of her perfect gap.Her shaved pussy is filled with delight by these little round balls and so she decides to treat her anus to some playtime with them too after opening her butthole up with some ass fingering. Don t miss this delicious action!

  • 00:26:03
  • Jan 05, 2016
  • 293


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