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abbie adores her toys - solo sensations satisfy her

Abbie Cat absolutely adores her purple vibrator as you ll soon be witness to in her sexy solo toy masturbating scene.As she lounges in the livingroom in an alluring ensemble made up of skin tight cleavage baring pink top, mini-skirt, and high heels we immediately look down to find our pants bulging by the brunette s choice in outfits! But she s not going to keep her barely there look on for long as she s soon stripping them all off revealing her huge big tits, and more! This brown eyed babe has a naughty side we think after we notice her clit piercings that our tongues would just love to take a turn at!As she penetrates herself deeply over and over using her toy and her fingers she really gets up inside that lovely shaved pussy of hers with vigor bringing herself to a full orgasmic release.We always love it when a girl is really into it, and Abbie is one of those girls. Be sure to tune in for her sexy scene!

  • 00:18:59
  • Feb 07, 2016
  • 262


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