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she takes her toys in the tub - a dildo is her desire

It seems many of us have had that fantasy of being picked up by our babe wearing just a trench coat with nothing underneath. And that fantasy is about to come to life as Dolly Diore dons just her coat and negligee today. Imagine she s just picked you up in this sexy ensemble and has sent you right to the bathroom for a private viewing of her sexy solo show.With her classic facial features, black hair, and curvy physique she s a hybrid of girl-next-door meets pin-up, and we find ourselves quite aroused by this brown eyed girl s appearance.She s soon getting undressed in the bathroom, stripping out of her stockings, high heels, and hot red lingerie, revealing her lovely peach that she has pussy insertion plans for soon. But first, her fingers will first create the wetness in her slit as she slides them between her leg for masturbation in anticipation of toy time, and that dildo she ll soon be probing it with in the bathtub.Get ready to get that bathwater running after watching this sudsy, sexual scene!

  • 00:16:08
  • Feb 16, 2016
  • 230


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