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planning office - ever-hungry multidick sucking bombshell

When Thomas Stone gets up from the couch to get some more coffee, the planning office intermezzo begins! Ever-hungry bombshell Karina Grand sits on the couch right next to Choky Ice. They should actually go over some sketches, but rather have some intimate moments instead! She starts stroking his crotch and grabs that hard-on out of his pants to give him a blowjob right away! Choky can’t believe his eyes, but soon enjoys her lusty lips wrapped around his shaft. He starts massaging her hot ass and tight pussy while she goes down on his cock for a deep throat blowjob! Thomas returns and joins the two for a threesome. The blonde teenager can’t wait for that multidick sucking scene to heat up and crams her beautiful face with two hard rods! The Ukrainian blonde knows how to please two studs at once and fills her mouth with their dicks, while getting her shaved pussy licked by Thomas. A handjob here, a blowjob there - the DDF Network Full HD cameras follow her experienced hands and capture crystal clear imagery of that cum in her mouth, when the scene comes to an end.

  • 00:29:07
  • May 09, 2016
  • 368


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