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wet foot fetish dreams - greek goddess shaves her legs

In today’s episode of DDF Network’s Hot Legs & Feet, the Greek goddess Inna Sirina shaves her legs in the shower. We are spot on with our Full HD cameras to give you sizzling hot closeup shots of that brunette babe’s incredible body! She looks absolutely breath-taking and can’t wait to get under the shower to make her silken skin wet. This athletic glamour girl has bind-blowing calves, well toned thighs, a curvy butt and sexy toes! Check out her beautiful tits and imagine, what it would be like to be with her right now. Wet foot fetish dreams come true in this one of a kind scene! She gently rubs her legs with a sponge before lifting up one leg and pressing it against the glass door, so we can get a nice shot of her bottom of the foot. That stretching under the water makes her kinda horny and she starts making her shaved pussy gape a bit before playing with her feet and applying some shaving foam all over her legs and twat! The scene heats up when the Greek sexbomb slowly inserts the lady shaver into her cunny and starts masturbating while sitting under the shower. What a dirty little hottie she is!

  • 00:25:38
  • Jun 15, 2016
  • 227


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