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fresh face fingering - newcomer gets cozy with her pink

DDF Network is known for introducing the hottest newcomers to the business and 1By-Day is just the perfect place for them to get comfortable solo and start loosening up a bit, or in some cases a lot, just like fresh face Chelsy Sun from the Czech Republic today. Dressed in just a hot pink baby doll lingerie with black panties underneath, matching hot pink high heels on her size 8.5 feet, she looks absolutely sweet, a prim and proper college tease in her bedroom. Pulling down her top she entices with glimpses of her pert 34A natural tits and pulls up the bottom hem so you can ogle her curvy ass. Just when you start to wonder ""Is that it?"", the brunette beauty gets down to her masturbation antics. Oh no, that definitely isn t it. Plenty of fingering of her trimmed pussy and showing of her pink ensues. Chelsy really gets those digits deep inside her snatch. And that s still not all. She also pulls her ass cheeks apart wide with a twinkle in her eyes, giving us the impression that this is actually one naughty girl indeed. You ll agree when you see the size of her ass gape. Keep an eye out for this one!

  • 00:19:20
  • Oct 23, 2016
  • 226


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