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naughty in the hallway - pocket rocket for her pink

Today we welcome one heck of a Ukrainian looker to the DDF roster, college cutie Sybil. The brunette beauty looks as if she s come straight off the plane for her DDF solo shoot with suitcase in tow. She s so horny she doesn t even make it out of the hotel hallway though, and decides to get right down to masturbation business right then and there. Sybil might be new to DDF, but she certainly isn t new to the art of seduction. It s quite obvious when you see the teasing look in her green eyes, and the way she lifts up the bottom of her dress so you can ogle her curvy ass in coral-colored panties, that this babe knows how to get any dick stiff in seconds. And she ll draw you in even closer and get you hooked for good when she finally reveals her perfect perky natural tits. Lucky for us, the show doesn t stop there because she s got a neatly trimmed pussy that likes to see some action, and lucky for her she s packed her handy pocket rocket for her toy masturbating needs. So with her handy vibrating buddy to her pink, Sybil gets her slit so dripping wet that she has to take her panties off and continues buzzing away to satisfy her peach.

  • 00:23:43
  • Oct 25, 2016
  • 1097


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