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OK... so check this one out... My girl Keyla calls me up and tells me some atrocious news... apparently her bullshit man has been laying his hands on her.... fucking asshole... so she tells me that she wants get REVENGE and asked me if I could assist her... I didn t think twice... Before we picked her up... Ugs went thru our secret stash of names ... people that we come across that volunteer their services... So after picking up Keyla... we go get John... that s right... the ROYAL REVERSAL! Now John s just like the rest of the Miami bimbos we pick up... Dazed and Confused... hahaha... So after riding towards the end of the rainbow for a while and delving into the minimal mind of John... we got down to business... While Keyla was stripping down.. the love tap markings started to show up... now we were all bugged out.. John especially... so his idea was.. let s do something to get back at him... ... we were WAY ahead of him... I had no idea that Keyla had such a great ass... perky tits... and impressive blowjob skills! WOW! Not to mention that she could ride the hell out of a cock... wow.. she fucked the life out of John... ass bouncing on dick is always fun to watch... After all was said and done... we had to get this guy the fuck out of here... so I accidentally dropped a shirt out the window... we stopped.. and asked John to get it..... you know the rest... hahaha.... TO ALL YOU ASSHOLES THAT THINK HITTING GIRLS IS COOL... REMEMBER... The Bang Bus is out there..... ready to help her get her revenge! The Dirty One...

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 13, 2005
  • 131


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