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slut girlfriends valentina nappi and paola dp d in wild 3m2f swinger party gp1956

Its the morning before their swinger party and Valentina Nappi is a bit worried because her girlfriends boyfriend allegedly has an enormous cock, and she s not sure she can take it all. When Valentina expresses her feelings to her boyfriend Vince he reassures her that everything will be just fine and that she shouldnt be worried at all. Later on in the evening, Vince, Valentina, and their friend Kristof are hanging out at the house when Paola and Thomas arrive. Valentina, despite having been apprehensive earlier, is immediately turned on by her friend Paolas boyfriend Thomas, and the two head to one of the bedrooms. While Valentina has Thomass cock in her mouth, Vince is busy sticking his cock into all of Paolas holes, which have all been made easily accessible. A bit later, the fifth friend and odd man out, Thomas, joins Vince and the pair begin DPing Paula. Next, Valentina and Thomas come out of the bedroom and join in to make fuck session a proper orgy. After taking turns DP

  • 00:56:57
  • Jul 31, 2021
  • 5926


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