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wake up blow job!

So I was chilling with my friend jack, who was a little down because he just broke up with his girlfriend. So I didn t want to see my friend like that, so I call a hottie to see if he could get that other girl out of his mind. So I meet up with Emma Cummings, a hot and sexy latina that has an amazing ass! She also has this big tits that you just want to lick all night. So I took her to my friend s apartment, and my friend was hanging out, so Emma decided to get him up with a little surprise, a BLOWJOB! She starting sucking Jack s dick until the dude waked up. So they meet, and the rest there are just no words to explain it. One of the best hardcore scenes BALLHONEYS had made. Jack and Emma, fuck the shit out of each other. This girl ride that cock in a way that you are just gonna jerk off as soon as you see this scene. So jump in and check out this beautiful chick!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 02, 2007
  • 169


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