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sophia summer and bailey get sweaty as they show off their amazing asses

Sophia Summer and Bailey are here for an excellent Ass Parade. Sophia’s thick as can be and has plenty of ass and tits to go around. Bailey’s not one to sleep on though she’s got some plump juicy curves and an eager appetite for cock. The girls start with some soccer and we watch as their asses and tits bounce and jiggle as the play. Then we get a little more personal and the girls strip down, oil each other up, and get ready to fuck. Soon both girls are wet as can be and ready to get pounded. They meet up with two guys poolside and go to town blowing them. Things get pretty hot and the action moves inside. Sophia and Bailey both get their fill as they fuck and suck these guys for a minute. Bailey soon gets a face full of cum but is still thirsty, so she graciously takes another load to the chin.

  • 01:00:18
  • May 07, 2016
  • 309


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