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sophie ladder gives her gf her dick in a box part 1

Sophie Ladder and Rebecca Vanguard are celebrating their one year anniversary as a couple with a house party but Sophie has something else on her mind tonight. She buys a big box for Rebecca and opens it up for her downstairs before they join their friends. Sophie gifted Rebecca her hard member for their one year anniversary and that is exactly what she needed! Rebecca has been horny all day, ready to pounce on Sophie for their big day. Rebecca instantly puts Sophie into her mouth and begins ferociously sucking. Sophie is in loving the worship and moans with pleasure. The box is getting in the way so they put it down before moving on to the couch where Rebecca gets on top and rides her in cowgirl. As she grinds on Sophie s lap they kiss and rub each others bodies. They eventually move to missionary position so they can continue their sexual connection more comfortably. The eye contact is electric as Sophie thrusts in and out of Rebecca s hairy pussy.

  • 00:13:25
  • Mar 17, 2024
  • 46


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