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monster surprise

A stop at the local sub shop and Ramon finds his next victim: Serena Del Rio, a sexy Brazilian in search of something BIG to have for lunch. Ramon invites her to the house for a little lunch date a la Monster de Ramon. Ramon packs her lunch, a mouthful of sausage con pan. Delighted with her meal, she begins to tear down her grub, swallowing loads of the cock with every bite. After the appetizer, comes the entree and she takes a deep ride on the Ramon express. He fucks her from behind as she stands. She loves it. Ramon then lifts her up and fucks her standing up; she rides his cock and then she gets a healthy dose of the coming of the cock. Not once, but twice as she keeps her eyes on a dessert from the man behind the camera.

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 27, 2008
  • 246


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