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bikers of cock

This week Dale thought it would be a great idea to show off some of his biking tricks. Yeah, he told his crew that he was number 7 in the world of trick biking. Of course, nobody believed him. Vicious George insists it’s number 700 and that he just dropped the zero s. Well, we couldn t of been any more wrong he does know a few tricks and don t let him fool you, behind that pudgy exterior is a fat guy! So he also had another trick up his sleeve. He had someone lined up who was willing to do an anal scene with el Monstro Ramon. Of course she doesn t know about it but that’s why secrets are awesome. So we picked her up at this gym she goes to work out at and in no time we had her in our van with her panties around her legs fingering herself for all you Bangbros fans out there. Oh did I forget to introduce her , her name is Bobbi Starr, she s shot for our sites before but never of Monsters and today she s gonna take it in the ass for all of you. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 30, 2008
  • 352


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