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inktensity: treatment

Vanessa left a bag at her best friend’s house. She heads over to pick it up but her friend is gone while her boyfriend is there. Cody lets Vanessa into the house to grab her stuff. As Vanessa is explaining what it looks like she is interrupted by a very scary looking whip. Cody grabs it quickly and is embarrassed. Vanessa comforts him and lets him know that his girlfriend tells her EVERYTHING. There is no need to be embarrassed. Vanessa daydreams about getting the same treatment her bestfriend, Nikki, does and she comes up with an idea. Vanessa asks Cody to give her the same fun he gives his girlfriend. Cody thinks about it for a second and falls for it. He starts by getting her warmed up with the scary dragon tail followed by collaring her. The session is followed by multiple gags providing lots of spit and tears, paddles, whips, chains, ankle cuffs, mouth plugs, gloves, and of course, just hands and fingers. The fun couldn t end there. Cody had to be sure to give Vanessa the FULL tre

  • 00:44:45
  • Mar 21, 2024
  • 579


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