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the chronicle of riddick

What s up my fellow bait bus fans. I got a really good video for all you guys this week. We went looking for a nice looking athletic type of guy, so we drove around some parks until we see this really fine piece of meat. He was sitting down, so we called him over asked him what he was up to. He told us he was waiting for his ride. We told him we were these film students looking for athletic people to interview for a school project. We offered him a ride and he needed it so he jumped on the bus. It was real interesting because it turns out this guy is like a personal trainer so his body was slamming, I mean really you gotta check it out. So it turns out it wasn t that difficult to convince him to fuck Jamie, because he said it was cool as long as nobody found out about it. Have fun!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 01, 2007
  • 96


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