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meet brooke

Another Facial Fest is up, and it means that we all get to witness another huge load of cum being spread all over a porn newbie s face. Today we got Brooke and she is one hot chick. Very stylish by the way, the scarf she was wearing was something that I m not used to seeing in Miami. Well she was here at my office telling me the story about how she decided to join the porn industry; I was listening to her, and at the same time I was trying to imagine how she looks without her clothes on. After 10 minutes of the interview, I realized that I could not torture myself by imagining anymore, and I asked her to show me her goodies. She took her pants off, and I got a boner right there. I told her that it s time for us to take the next step, by her sucking my cock, and me pounding her nice pussy, and fingering her ass. That s exactly what happened right after. I strongly recommend you check out this hot ass girl getting her pretty face covered with cum. Peace out!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 20, 2008
  • 137


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