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music is fun when a student has no panties - piano lessons - sex with teacher - sex therapy (small)

In the tranquil evening, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and sensuality, lay in her chambers, entering a midday post-lunch slumber and experiencing a dream filled with music. In this dream, her exquisite fingers cascaded over black and white gleaming keys, and the melody flowed, arousing her imagination. She began to move in her dream, feeling the approach of bliss. However, the alarm rang, and she returned from the realm of dreams.
In her mind, a wonderful plan for the evening took shape. Aphrodite adorned herself in a shimmering gold top, white stockings deliberately devoid of underwear beneath, and a short skirt reminiscent of those worn by students. She concealed her divine essence behind an enchanting accessory - pink-tinted glasses. In such a seductive guise, she headed for a piano lesson with the god Orpheus, who agreed to provide a private lesson to such a charming young lady who had contacted him through a social media app.
Once alone, Aphrodite quickly absorbed all tha

  • 00:14:31
  • Sep 27, 2024
  • 169


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