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jacking it with my step daughter (with sarah shevon) - joi

Today you want to talk with your step daughter Sarah about her credit card statement. Technically, it is yours, but you made the mistake of making her an authorized user. Sarah bought some expensive things, including shoes, and you ask her about them. You ask to see these shoes and when she comes back wearing them, you are entranced. They are black patent leather heels with a platform. Sarah thinks that these shoes will make her more popular at school. You find yourself turned on by them, and Sarah notices your growing bulge. She puts her shoe onto your dick and she feels it grow beneath her foot. She suggests that you take your cock out so that she can watch it grow harder and harder. Sarah tells you how to handle your dick and all she wants in return is full access to your credit card. While you feel taken advantage of, there is a big part of you - in your hands - that is fine with this arrangement. You continue stroking as Sarah loses item after item of her clothing. You thought tha

  • 00:08:53
  • Mar 04, 2024
  • 90


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