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armpit licking as a reward for bearing whippings

A new whip has arrived. It is called a carabash. Not very noticeable in length, Miss Yara is surprised at the effect it has at the first blow. It is a real monster. Even the first blows leave nasty marks and hurt terribly. The cause lies in the thickness of the whip. It is heavier than the feather-light whips that have been used so far, because it is braided to the tip and then stops abruptly.

The otherwise well-behaved Dog, groans in pain. He tries to tell the mistress in concern that the new whip is not a toy. But the mistress is pleased by the pain-distorted moans and is not deterred.
So Dog is trained with the new whip. The only breaks granted to him are to sniff and lick the armpits sweaty from the effort of whipping.

Submissive, the puppy just sucks the reward and licks the taste of the mistress. Completely exhausted and visibly battered by the blows, the doggie is grateful for the praising words of the mistress.

  • 00:16:06
  • Mar 20, 2024
  • 44


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