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nina heels is a good doctor

Nina is one of the doctor working at the Love Clinic. She specializes in nervous system and also is the best doctor in that domain. Kittina is the new patient of Nina and it looks like she s very shy to explain the symptoms which are making her life so bad. Nina is telling her to be relax and explain everything without any fear. Kittina does not have any orgasms at all. Her boyfriend is not giving her pleasure anymore and she also are not able to have orgasm by herself anymore. Shy as Kittina is, Nina understood immediately how to resolve Kittina s problems. As she never had any contact with any other women, Nina thought that maybe showing her how she s having pleasure by herself will making kittina horny probably. and Bingo! Kittina, despite her huge shyness, is letting Nina showing her how to have pleasure with another girl! starting to fingering her pussy, licking boobs and pussy, and also using a little glass dildo. together they will also masturbate pussy to pussy and share to eac

  • 00:36:02
  • Sep 10, 2022
  • 862


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