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female desp messing audio vika loses control on parade float

Female pee & messing desperation AUDIO with Vika stuck on a parade float, wearing tight jeans.

oh no, there s no where for Vika to pee on the Rodeo queen parade float! Why did she have so much water and also eat leftover chili for breakfast... not the smartest idea!! You hear her dialogue in her head as she tries her best to keep her jeans dry & there s backside pressure so she lets out some farts but it s more than farts now... she s holding back a big load but loses control eventually and has a MESSY, loud and dirty accident in the backside. A friend comes over to adjust her sash & smells the stinkiness. Vika has no choice but to admit what happened and she s embarrassed & not sure how to get out of this situation! She can feel it running down the inside of her jeans... how humiliating!

  • 00:10:44
  • Mar 23, 2024
  • 40


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