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pissy bathroom babes

Blonde hottie Julia Parker is looking in the bathroom mirror when she is joined by her brunette friend Barbara Bieber who needs to pee. Julia has other plans and leads Barbara over to the washing machine and as she sits on top it it, Barbara pulls her panties to one side and aims her piss stream into a big glass vase that Julia holds. Some of her piss misfires and sprays Julia s tank top too. Julia pours the golden nectar down over Barbara s panties and soaks them and pours the final few drops into Barbara s mouth! Next up, it s Julia s turn to fill the vase and once they are both sufficiently soaked in piss, they get a lot more intimate as they take turns to lick each others pussies and take piss in mouth, one by one! After they have stripped out of their pee soaked clothes, Julia treats Barbara to some jelly dildo play as she bends over in the doggystyle position and then these pissing babes share their sex toy. They take out a sponge for some final lesbian pee play and drench each o

  • 00:34:38
  • Mar 07, 2024
  • 102


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