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the oblivious roomate

So i was wandering around the city the other day, taking all the many forms of mass public transportation like the bus and the train and what not and something occured to me, we are living in a newly formed ipdod one greets one anther on the bus no stop and chats out on the streets everyone is too busy being securley shutoff from their immediate surroundings by the headphones of their ipods...i mean i bet i could get mugged out in the middle of a crwoded street and the majority of people wouldnt even notice cause they were too distracted by teh black eyed pees new single my lovely lady lump could be cancerous ...haha i myself up..hmm thats a good idea maybe for a later shoot to test that theoiry out...noty getting mugged but mayeb lets see how much fuckin i can do in public..anwyay im getting away form the reaosn im telling you this..this trip out to the city ghave me the idea for this shoot...i was with my firned stefan when i came up with it...this shoot i smore li

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 19, 2007
  • 145


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