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plentiful pegs, pain, and pleasure - with subtitles

A big meanie challenged me to fit as many pegs as I could on my body, from chest to thighs. Of course I made sure my nipples and labia were thoroughly pinched by these ouchy wooden clothespins before I moved on to adding a peg zipper up my torso and squeezing more onto my small boobs. I also add a few to my tongue creating drool and some cute gag talk. Once I managed to get ALL the pegs on my body I was allowed to use the Doxy to cum as a reward. I struggle to reach my clit through all the pegs and in the end have to move a few! Ripping the painful peg zipper off at the perfect moment to great a really intense orgasm. Then it s time to get creative removing the pegs. Post-orgasm my skin is suddenly really tender and even just taking the pegs off normally makes me gasp, but this masochist has other plans! I use several different paddles and canes to whip the pegs of my tits, tummy and thighs, eliciting many adorable squeaks and squeals. This is a very cute and funny film with lots of ta

  • 00:22:50
  • Mar 03, 2024
  • 96


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