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luna lark vs macgee

Well during AVN this past year I had a chance to connect with a lot of new content creators. While at the convention I ran into Luna Lark. I have been wanting to play with her for some years and I never thought it would happen, but this day I saw her and took the opportunity to introduce myself. I walked up to her and told her who I was and to my surprise she already knew about me. I was kind of shocked, but more so flattered. We exchanged info and she told me she wanted to have some fun with me that same night. After the AVN was over for that day I hit her up and she told me she was ready for me. Once she was giving me the biggest kiss on the lips. She told me to take everything off except my underwear and she wanted to dance for me. I sat on the couch and she started shaking that fat ass for me. She then proceeded to cum over to me and pull my cock out of my pants and started sucking the soul out of my cock. She sucked my dick for a little longer than she was ready to have this cock

  • 00:16:25
  • Feb 29, 2024
  • 172


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