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squirt wars

Val Steele had some plumbing issues and when the plumber showed up, he wanted to charge her one thousand dollars to fix a leaky pipe. After she found out that he was trying to rip her off, she snuck behind her and started masturbating until she squirted all over him. The plumber kept thinking that it was just the pipes leaking. So he continued working. Later, once he had moved to the bathroom, it was her time to surprise him again. She peeked from behind the shower curtains and started spraying him with her pussy juice. This time he caught on to her game and it was time to get his payback. The plumber snuck behind Val as she was on the phone and dropped a load right on her tits. From there, things escalated quickly and soon she was on his cock. Eventually, the plumber penetrated her in several different positions making her squirt several times. Finally, he busted another load all over her face.

  • 00:40:12
  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 1960


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