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her lovers big cock handle kortney well

Her lovers big cock handle Kortney well in 1080p.Kortney was relatively new to the porn world when this scene was made. She is a hottie, which is obvious by her looks and the introduction she does.Her fake tits were done really well! It maybe is a bit too big - but never say too big on tits of course. Her young face with her sensual lips and perfect teeth makes the picture really perfect. This South Carolinian girl also have a very sexy accent, but during the intercourse we won t hear much of that, apart from the moans.The scene itself starts off right in the middle of the action. She exchange lovers kisses with her partner. She is wearing some great looking sexy lingerie, and her panty comes off almost immediately to reveal her pussy. That pussy already is a bit wet, but after the eatout she receives, it gets really ready for that big cock she likes - as mentioned in the introduction earlier. Soon she starts to

  • 00:32:33
  • Dec 17, 2021
  • 199


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