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busty licking and fucking hard

Sweet Lana knew her boyfriend had a big cock and they have great sex but she s been leery of having anal because he s so big. That all changes today! He s wanted to fuck her ass for so long and Sweet Lana wants to give it to him. He has to work it in slow because her asshole is so fucking tight. A lot of lube later and he can almost get it in down to the balls!Deciding to brighten up their leisure time, young lesbians Nasty Saraeva and Dulce Ivanova get their favorite toys. Starting to caress each other, they take turns cunnilingus. Excited, they take their toys and start fucking each other in the assVera and Barbariska wanted to know if it was true. All the co-eds in their dorm use him to build their glutes but the rumor is that he knows how to break you in anally as well! So they set up a session and sure enough he treated their asses right!

  • 01:31:52
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • 26


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