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enf wedgie - airplane challenge

Hi, I m 43-yr-old Sammi Starfish, your favorite real life milf wife and taboo role player. The airplane challenge is quite simple. You convince your victim that they need to get their hands tied up to a broom stick for whatever dumb reason you can think of. And once their arms are duct taped to the broom stick behind their head you pull their pants down and leave them there helpless to get their pants back up. It s even better when it s outside in the park like what happened to me. As I m helpless he not only leaves my pants around my ankles and watches me struggle, but he also gives me an epic wedgie and tapes my panties up to the broom stick so that the panties stay pulled hard up my ass. So hard I can t even bend over anymore. He even pulls my ass open and exposes my asshole and I m helpless to stop him. Such a jerk haha. Then he steals my pants completely and hides them as I scramble around embarrassed completely bottomless with no panties at all anymore. If you love watching a

  • 00:17:02
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • 73


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