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daisy s anal stretching

Daisy is feeling playful and so steps into the bathroom  and immediately strips. This girl really has the most amazing ass. There s nothing hotter that white girl with a thick booty. So, first she brings out the enema and uses it to squirt out of her asshole. Then she bring the the black dildo out, and yes, in her ass it goes. Ricky happens to be passing by in the hallway and sees this beautiful site. When she sees him, she gets more turned on and quickly gets on her knees. After sucking his black dong and chocking on it, they move on the bedroom. Ricky gets that ass all oiled up and she shakes it for us. After fucking her pussy for a while she turns to him and asks for it to be put in her asshole. Ricky is happy to oblige. Daisy ends up proving she knows how to take big black dick in every hole.  

  • 00:36:27
  • Feb 04, 2018
  • 463


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