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rock out with my tits out

I like Facial Fest for the simple fact that there s no actresses. Don t doubt it. It s the real fucking deal. In this episode, we meet teen Abby Lane who has a man and is strictly doing this for the money. That doesn t mean she doesn t like a new cock deep in her pussy - and what a nice pussy, I must say! Abby s a rocker chick. Tattooed up with creamy skin and smarts to boot. Her nipples are pierced and she s got a nice ass and REAL tits! Preston is the first to have Abby and it seems that she dug him. While they were fucking, he attempted to get her to be his friend and she agrees since she has no Miami friends. I wonder if she ll be his friend after the monster facial she gets. It even gets in her hair. Damn Preston is a lucky mofo!! Enjoy!

  • 00:34:21
  • Nov 23, 2009
  • 225


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