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you are my bitch, boy! (with kat monroe) - jerk off instructions

Why is your dick out already? It is always out and Miss Kat is disgusted. Why would you be so proud of such a sad little dick? Slap it right now. Slap it hard! You are vile. Look at Miss Kat s pretty pussy and its perfection. Your pathetic member, on the other hand, deserves only pain. Slap it again. You are not a man as far as Miss Kat is concerned. Your tiny thing deserves only ridicule from Miss Kat as you try to stroke yourself. Don t even think of putting any lube on your hand. Miss Kat wants you to feel only pain and humiliation for your small penis. Even your balls are a disappointment. Since you have done as you have been told today, Miss Kat lets you see her boobs. Ready to see you leave, Miss Kat counts down to your orgasm and you give her just a trickle of cum.

Starring Kat Monroe

  • 00:08:03
  • Jun 26, 2024
  • 27


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