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a facial for my babysitter (with josie jagger) - jerk off instructions

Your babysitter Josie is over to sit with your little ones - or at least she thinks that is why she is there. Your wife is not there and you confess to Josie that you and your wife are having some troubles. Josie offers her help, but she does not feel right about physically interacting with you. Maybe you can jack off while you watch her. Josie is a cute girl and you thought that she was innocent, but since she is willing to help you to get off, you realize you were wrong about her. Soon her bra is off and she asks if you want to slide your dick between her titties. Even better, she stands up and lets her shorts slide to the floor. Her ass is nearly perfect and you wish you could reach out and touch her soft skin. Josie tells you to grab your dick nice and hard to simulate fucking her very tight pussy. It is almost too much for you to handle when she takes off her panties to expose her pussy, but you remain in control and continue to masturbate to your babysitter. Josie is now ready fo

  • 00:07:29
  • Jun 21, 2024
  • 37


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