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fun with my step sister janessa jordan - jerk off instructions

You have just been caught red-handed reading Janessa s journal. She is not happy with you - especially since she sees that you have a boner. Her private thoughts have completely turned you on and you could not help yourself. She is totally going to tell on you unless you do as you are told. You know that your step-mom will freak out if she finds out what you have been up to, so you do as Janessa asks. You take your dick out and Janessa is impressed with the size of your hard dick. Why don t you grab it and work it a little? You are such a pervert, jerking off to your step sister, but Janessa makes herself comfortable on the bed as you stroke yourself. It is getting a little warm in the room, so she removes her top. You love her pretty boobs even more now that you can see them revealed. Janessa coaches you to jerk your dick off for her because she wants to see you cum. If you cannot cum, though, she will tell step-mom and step-dad that you were snooping and reading her personal journal.

  • 00:07:39
  • Jun 13, 2024
  • 26


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