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superstar wanda curtis in a fiery casting and a hard fuck special

The infamous Wanda Curtis is being interviewed for the first time and it is no wonder she blossomed into such a Super Porn Star. She is confident and has a fiery sexual presence when she presents her hot naked body! Then, in her first scene, she is a shop assistant who treats a customer to a cock-sucking and fuck filled orgasm! After having her pussy eaten and fingered she lies on her side and receives a thumping as she fondles her round tits. Once her pussy is satisfied, she takes his hard love gun deep in her ass in several positions until it is ready to explode! She finishes by jerking him off and she then wraps her luscious lips around his shaft to suck all the cum off.

  • 00:23:05
  • Apr 01, 2015
  • 349


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