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allison swallows!

Wasup people, today I bring you Allison, a beutifull hot babe that knows how to suck. She was getting ready for making a scene for big mouths full, when I got in the wardrobe section and started flirting with her with my camera. We started talking a little bit, then I asked her to show me her boobs. At first she was a little shy, but then she showed it to me. Da Captain Came in surprising us in the act, then I asked Allison if she wanted to get ready for the shoot by practicing with a blowjob. She was up for it and she even told me that she loved to swallow. This girl knows what she is doing, she perform an amazing blowjob and at the end, there was no cum left. So jump in for another episode of the Bang Bros invasion.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 25, 2007
  • 120


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