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Hey guys, this is Staci and I am here today to give JT a handjob. We got up to his place and and got straight to it.. He had let me feel his cock in the car, so I was a little excited and anxious. I just wanted to let it all hang out. So i gave him a bit of a tease, i showed him my private treasures (eg, my pink pussy) and took his pants off, while he fondled my pirky tits. I found a green blanket that felt really good, so I thought it would be a good idea to tug on his dick with it for a little bit. And it definitelly worked, his cock got hard in no time! If you are really looking for a mean tuggin machine, you ve come to the right place. Check me out!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 20, 2006
  • 109


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