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sex lesson in budapest

Borya s in Budapest chilling, while walking around town he runs into Tommy and his sexy ass girl Riviera, they begin to chat for a bit but it s way to loud out in the streets so they decide to join Borya back at his flat so they can get to know each other better. While hanging out at Borya s place it seems as if Riviera couldn t keep her paws of off Tommy s cock , rubbing it passionately, as things start to heat up she strips down to her leopard print bra and panty looking sexy, slim with an amazing body ready to get fucked on the couch, Tommy doesn t hesitate any longer and starts to lick her tight wet pussy making her wet with each stroke from his tongue. She gets on top of him and rides his cock then gets in any position that she enjoys getting fucked, and that she sure did until he bust a nut in her mouth. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 30, 2009
  • 127


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